Wednesday February 6, 2013


Jointly organized by IEEE Ottawa AICN and TMC/PCS/SSIT Joint Chapter

Reductionism, when used in project management, allows for most complex projects to be tackled as sequences of tasks and milestones subject to prioritization and concurrency. Beyond a level of complexity, a “systems thinking” approach is more suitable. Please join us for this presentation by Stephen Bobyn on different aspects of Complex Project Management, including:

  • What is Project Complexity?
  • Project Management Approaches – Linked to Project Complexity
  • Systems Thinking Approach – The 4 Levels of Thinking
  • Importance of Context and Environment
  • Systems Thinking Approach – Boundaries Considerations
  • Complex Projects – Complexity Symptoms
  • Complex Projects – Organizational Impacts
  • Complex Projects – PM Capabilities

Presenter: Stephen M. Bobyn, Deputy Project Manager, (Support)/Canadian Surface Combatant Project, National Defence (Ottawa, ON).
Stephen is a professional engineer with over 30 years of continuous employment as a Project Manager within DND Canada, supporting the RCN as a civilian public servant, in Naval Architecture, Marine Engineering, IT Enterprise Resource Planning, and Naval In-Service Support domains. He has over 18,500 hrs experience in various levels of Project Management, within several major Naval Projects such as the Oberon Submarine Operational Update Program, TRUMP, CPF, MASIS, HCM/FELEX, and Australian Air Warfare Destroyer Program.
Stephen is currently with the emerging Canadian Surface Combatant Project within DND/ADM(Materiel)/DGMPD(L&S), a 20 year project which will recapitalize the Royal Canadian Navy’s existing fleet of Canadian Patrol Frigates. He recently returned from an exchange assignment in Australia, where he completed an Executive Master of Business in Complex Project Management, at Queensland University of Technology. This is a program tailored by the Australian Defence Management Organisation towards Project and Program Leadership, of large Defence Acquisitions operating in complex business environments.

Presentation slides available here: Complex project management: a systems thinking approach (Bobyn, Feb. 6, 2013)

Target Audience:  Engineers, managers, independent practitioners (consultants), students.

Prerequisite: NONE.


To provide IEEE members of the joint chapter (TMC/SSIT/PCS) a technical activity in the field of their interest; to re-initiate the joint chapter’s activities; and to present to the members the slate of volunteers seeking the position of vice-chairs for the joint chapter:

  • candidate for SSIT Vice Chair (2013): Barbara Waruszynski
  • candidate for TMC Vice Chair (2013): Wahib Thabet

Knowledge and skills you will gain:

Learn about different aspects of complex project management, learn to differentiate complex projects from traditional projects, learn about the System Thinking approach in a project management context.


  • 6:30pm social/networking (30 min)
  • 7:00pm welcome by joint TMC/SSIT/PCS chapter chair (10 min)
  • 7:10pm Complex project management: a systems thinking approach (50 min)
  • 8:00pm presentation of vice chair candidates and election
  • Questions and Answers

Date:  Wednesday February 6, 2013

Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Event Location: Control Tower room, Royal Canadian Air Force Officer’s Mess: 158 Gloucester St., Ottawa (

Session Cost: Free to IEEE members, students and Engineers-in-Transition members; $10 for non-IEEE members.

Non-alcoholic beverages, sandwiches and light snacks will be served.

Registration: Room size is limited and registration is on a first come basis, currently we have attained the room capacity but we are still adding names to a waiting list; send an e-mail to both: Alfredo Herrera (TMC/SSIT/PCS chapter chair) and Bhagvat Joshi (AICN chapter chair). Your payment (if applicable) will be accepted at the door, so please arrive early. Exact change would be appreciated.


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